The Western Star Crossroads Band of Springtown, Texas

Pastor Bobby Bowden –Team Leader of The Crossroads Band
God and music has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. But sad to say I haven’t always been faithful to either. But alas, God has granted me the “second chance” to get it right. At a young age, my Dad taught me three chords on the guitar and by the end of the night, I was playing song after song- in the same key, but I didn’t care. God blessed me through lessons and home “hootenanny’s” until the age of 18 when my best buddy and I went to Nashville and played the Grand Ol’ Opry. Then off to college where I received my degree in Theology and minored in music.
Over the years, God also blessed me with the ability to play string instruments of various kinds to include, the bass, banjo, mandolin, steel guitar (my favorite) and fiddle. I have played all of these professionally. Today I give lessons to those “that have a desire to play and are willing to pay the price of practice, practice, practice.” Brenda and my wife Mary both take lessons from me and make up the Crossroads Band at the Western Star Cowboy Church. The girls are also superb song writers and perform their songs to the church. God is blessing our music and by the end of the year we will have our first country gospel CD available.
God and music has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. But sad to say I haven’t always been faithful to either. But alas, God has granted me the “second chance” to get it right. At a young age, my Dad taught me three chords on the guitar and by the end of the night, I was playing song after song- in the same key, but I didn’t care. God blessed me through lessons and home “hootenanny’s” until the age of 18 when my best buddy and I went to Nashville and played the Grand Ol’ Opry. Then off to college where I received my degree in Theology and minored in music.
Over the years, God also blessed me with the ability to play string instruments of various kinds to include, the bass, banjo, mandolin, steel guitar (my favorite) and fiddle. I have played all of these professionally. Today I give lessons to those “that have a desire to play and are willing to pay the price of practice, practice, practice.” Brenda and my wife Mary both take lessons from me and make up the Crossroads Band at the Western Star Cowboy Church. The girls are also superb song writers and perform their songs to the church. God is blessing our music and by the end of the year we will have our first country gospel CD available.

Mary Bowden
I have the honor of serving God in two ways. Being the Pastor’s wife gives me the opportunity to study God’s Word with my husband daily. This allows me to continue to grow and be able to minister according to God’s Word, not man’s word. God also blessed me with musical abilities so I am able to share worship of Him through playing and singing in the Western Star Cowboy Church Crossroads band.
I am so privileged and blessed in my life. Since I was very young, I knew about God and I searched and studied with many different religions to be sure I understood God’s truths. I also loved music from an early age. I loved the old gospel music and the way it would fill my soul with joy. Many of those songs told a story teaching lessons from the Bible, and many gave inspiration for us to “lean on the everlasting arms” of Jesus.
I can only say that I am truly blessed in my life through God, through my wonderful Church Family whom I love so very much, and through my loving personal family. We all go through trials and tribulations, life is not easy, but it is certainly joyful and full of hope through God and the support of our families here on earth.
I have the honor of serving God in two ways. Being the Pastor’s wife gives me the opportunity to study God’s Word with my husband daily. This allows me to continue to grow and be able to minister according to God’s Word, not man’s word. God also blessed me with musical abilities so I am able to share worship of Him through playing and singing in the Western Star Cowboy Church Crossroads band.
I am so privileged and blessed in my life. Since I was very young, I knew about God and I searched and studied with many different religions to be sure I understood God’s truths. I also loved music from an early age. I loved the old gospel music and the way it would fill my soul with joy. Many of those songs told a story teaching lessons from the Bible, and many gave inspiration for us to “lean on the everlasting arms” of Jesus.
I can only say that I am truly blessed in my life through God, through my wonderful Church Family whom I love so very much, and through my loving personal family. We all go through trials and tribulations, life is not easy, but it is certainly joyful and full of hope through God and the support of our families here on earth.

Brenda Robinson
I have loved music as long as I remember. As a small child I stayed with my grandmother who had a beautiful upright piano & my aunt, her youngest daughter played. She would play & I would sing, I couldn’t wait to get to church on Sunday so I could sing the old hymns with the congregation. Around the age of 6 I would hear a song & go to the piano & play the melody. I lost my grandmother when I was in the 5th grade & we inherited her piano. My parents enrolled me in piano lessons with Clara Gray, who was a wonderful inspiration to me. She played the old “boogie woogie” style of gospel music & could literally make the piano come to life & had everyone on feet singing & clapping! She also taught voice lessons & I began to sing in a quartet with 3 other girls my age. When I was old enough to play in the school band, I learned to play saxophone. I loved choir & my senior year our choir traveled to other schools to perform. Another highlight of my life was when I was selected to do some of the solo parts. As a freshman in high school, I discovered classical music, much to my Dad’s dismay. I asked my Mom if I could take piano lessons from her & so began my Dad’s agonizing hours of listening to me learning to play classical music.
I took piano lessons from an instructor from Howard Payne College. After high school, I moved to Ft. Worth & married leaving behind all my music friends. I thought I was ready for new adventures & did not realize how much I would miss singing with my friends & playing piano. It seemed that no matter how hard I tried to find a new musical family “so to speak” it eluded me. It was just not the same & left a void in my life! My husband came home one day with a guitar & told me he wanted me to start playing & singing again. I bought a chord chart & began to pick out some songs. I liked the guitar. I also loved horses & God eventually “in his own time” lead me to a cowboy church where I had the good fortune to meet Bobby & Mary Bowden & listen to their music. I knew in my heart I had found the music I had been missing & began to pester Bobby for an audition. In spite of my limited guitar playing, he let me sing & play with them & I don’t think my feet have hit the ground yet! I have learned so much from the Bowdens & truly appreciate the privilege to be a part of The Crossroads Band & a member of The Western Star Cowboy Church. My husband & I have grown so much spiritually & love our church family. I just want to say thanks to Bobby for the guitar lessons & for the wonderful opportunity you have given me.
I have loved music as long as I remember. As a small child I stayed with my grandmother who had a beautiful upright piano & my aunt, her youngest daughter played. She would play & I would sing, I couldn’t wait to get to church on Sunday so I could sing the old hymns with the congregation. Around the age of 6 I would hear a song & go to the piano & play the melody. I lost my grandmother when I was in the 5th grade & we inherited her piano. My parents enrolled me in piano lessons with Clara Gray, who was a wonderful inspiration to me. She played the old “boogie woogie” style of gospel music & could literally make the piano come to life & had everyone on feet singing & clapping! She also taught voice lessons & I began to sing in a quartet with 3 other girls my age. When I was old enough to play in the school band, I learned to play saxophone. I loved choir & my senior year our choir traveled to other schools to perform. Another highlight of my life was when I was selected to do some of the solo parts. As a freshman in high school, I discovered classical music, much to my Dad’s dismay. I asked my Mom if I could take piano lessons from her & so began my Dad’s agonizing hours of listening to me learning to play classical music.
I took piano lessons from an instructor from Howard Payne College. After high school, I moved to Ft. Worth & married leaving behind all my music friends. I thought I was ready for new adventures & did not realize how much I would miss singing with my friends & playing piano. It seemed that no matter how hard I tried to find a new musical family “so to speak” it eluded me. It was just not the same & left a void in my life! My husband came home one day with a guitar & told me he wanted me to start playing & singing again. I bought a chord chart & began to pick out some songs. I liked the guitar. I also loved horses & God eventually “in his own time” lead me to a cowboy church where I had the good fortune to meet Bobby & Mary Bowden & listen to their music. I knew in my heart I had found the music I had been missing & began to pester Bobby for an audition. In spite of my limited guitar playing, he let me sing & play with them & I don’t think my feet have hit the ground yet! I have learned so much from the Bowdens & truly appreciate the privilege to be a part of The Crossroads Band & a member of The Western Star Cowboy Church. My husband & I have grown so much spiritually & love our church family. I just want to say thanks to Bobby for the guitar lessons & for the wonderful opportunity you have given me.

Debbie Tebbens
Hi! Well, I’m the newest member of the band, and I’m thrilled to be in this God lovin, Holy Spirit drivin, Prayinist, and dedicated group of Cowboys and Cowgirls!
I was blessed with the music gene in my family and have always played “something” since I was about 7 yrs old. That’s when my folks got a piano for my sister. I did NOT want to play it, but was forced to take lessons. I did so till I got to the 5th grade which is when they offered BAND! I took up the French Horn and played it all the way through High School and then again later in my adult life. By the way, I hated it at the time but am forever grateful for those piano lessons!
I was very involved in the music program in the traditional church we attended for many years. I sang in the adult choir, the ladies ensemble, played in the handbell choir, and the brass ensemble. I had the joy to teach music to the Cherub Choir which consisted of 4 and 5 yr olds. I also played my French Horn in the Arlington Community Band for a few years. We eventually moved to Springtown and after a few years discovered Cowboy Churches! Hmmm, no place tho for a French Horn in a Cowboy Church Band.
Then came September 28th 2010. That is the day at the urging of a friend, I purchased my first guitar. I took lessons, prayed for “quickening” and God answered my prayer. It wasn’t long and I was singing and playing in the bands at Cowboy Churches!
Thankfully, God led us to WSCC! We loved the church and felt the love overflowing inside of everyone there! We felt at “home”. Again I was blessed, and was able to come sit in with the band at practices. I LOVE being part of this band and I’m just SO thrilled to be blessed in such a way that I can do what I love to do and share it along with God’s word through the music we play, with God’s people. I am sure I’m where I’m supposed to be! PRAISE GOD!
Hi! Well, I’m the newest member of the band, and I’m thrilled to be in this God lovin, Holy Spirit drivin, Prayinist, and dedicated group of Cowboys and Cowgirls!
I was blessed with the music gene in my family and have always played “something” since I was about 7 yrs old. That’s when my folks got a piano for my sister. I did NOT want to play it, but was forced to take lessons. I did so till I got to the 5th grade which is when they offered BAND! I took up the French Horn and played it all the way through High School and then again later in my adult life. By the way, I hated it at the time but am forever grateful for those piano lessons!
I was very involved in the music program in the traditional church we attended for many years. I sang in the adult choir, the ladies ensemble, played in the handbell choir, and the brass ensemble. I had the joy to teach music to the Cherub Choir which consisted of 4 and 5 yr olds. I also played my French Horn in the Arlington Community Band for a few years. We eventually moved to Springtown and after a few years discovered Cowboy Churches! Hmmm, no place tho for a French Horn in a Cowboy Church Band.
Then came September 28th 2010. That is the day at the urging of a friend, I purchased my first guitar. I took lessons, prayed for “quickening” and God answered my prayer. It wasn’t long and I was singing and playing in the bands at Cowboy Churches!
Thankfully, God led us to WSCC! We loved the church and felt the love overflowing inside of everyone there! We felt at “home”. Again I was blessed, and was able to come sit in with the band at practices. I LOVE being part of this band and I’m just SO thrilled to be blessed in such a way that I can do what I love to do and share it along with God’s word through the music we play, with God’s people. I am sure I’m where I’m supposed to be! PRAISE GOD!